Source code for climtas.profile

# Copyright 2020 Scott Wales
# author: Scott Wales <>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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# limitations under the License.
Profiling dask data processing

* :func:`benchmark` runs a function with different chunks, returning the time
    taken for each chunk setting

* :func:`profile` runs a function with a single chunk setting, returning the
    time taken in different dask stages and chunk information

Profile results

        Total time taken to process the data (seconds)
        Time spent opening the dataset (seconds)
        Time spent running the function (seconds)
        Time spent optimizing the Dask graph (seconds)
        Time spent computing the data with Dask (seconds)
        Chunk shape
        Number of chunks in loaded data
        Number of chunks in function output
        Size of chunks in loaded data
        Size of chunks in function output
        Dask graph size in loaded data
        Dask graph size in function output
        Dask graph size after optimizing function output

from typing import Dict, Any, List
import xarray
import dask
import time
import pandas
import numpy
import typing as T
import datetime
import os
import csv
import subprocess
import json
from . import __version__

[docs]def benchmark( paths: str, variable: str, chunks: Dict[str, List[int]], function, run_count: int = 3, mfdataset_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ): """ Profile a function on different chunks of data Opens a dataset with :func:`xarray.open_mfdataset` with one of the chunk options, then runs function on variable >>> def func(da): ... return t2m.mean() >>> climtas.profile.benchmark( ... '/g/data/ub4/era5/netcdf/surface/t2m/2019/t2m_era5_global_20190101_*.nc', ... variable='t2m', ... function=func, ... chunks={'time':[93, 93], 'latitude': [91, 91], 'longitude': [180, 180*2]}) #doctest: +SKIP Args: paths: Paths to open (as :func:`xarray.open_mfdataset`) variable: Variable in the dataset to use chunks: Mapping of dimension name to a list of chunk sizes, one entry for each run function: Function that takes a :obj:`xarray.DataArray` (the variable) and returns a :obj:`xarray.DataArray` to test the performance of run_count: Number of times to run each profile (the minimum time is returned) mfdataset_args: Extra arguments to pass to :func:`xarray.open_mfdataset` Returns: :obj:`pandas.DataFrame` with information from :func:`profile` for each run """ results = [] for values in zip(*chunks.values()): cs = dict(zip(chunks.keys(), values)) results.append( profile(paths, variable, cs, function, run_count, mfdataset_args) ) r = pandas.DataFrame(results) return r
[docs]def profile( paths: str, variable: str, chunks: Dict[str, int], function, run_count: int = 3, mfdataset_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ): """ Run a function run_count times, returning the minimum time taken >>> def func(da): ... return t2m.mean() >>> climtas.profile.profile( ... '/g/data/ub4/era5/netcdf/surface/t2m/2019/t2m_era5_global_20190101_*.nc', ... variable='t2m', ... function=func, ... chunks={'time':93, 'latitude': 91, 'longitude': 180}) #doctest: +SKIP {'time_total': 9.561158710159361, 'time_open': 0.014718276914209127, 'time_function': 0.0033595040440559387, 'time_optimize': 0.01087462529540062, 'time_load': 9.529402975924313, 'chunks': {'time': 93, 'latitude': 91, 'longitude': 180}, 'nchunks_in': 512, 'nchunks_out': 1, 'chunksize_in': '6.09 MB', 'chunksize_out': '4 B', 'tasks_in': 513, 'tasks_out': 1098, 'tasks_optimized': 1098} Args: paths: Paths to open (as :func:`xarray.open_mfdataset`) variable: Variable in the dataset to use chunks: Mapping of dimension name to chunk sizes function: Function that takes a :obj:`xarray.DataArray` (the variable) and returns a :obj:`dask.array.Array` to test the performance of run_count: Number of times to run each profile (the minimum time is returned) mfdataset_args: Extra arguments to pass to :func:`xarray.open_mfdataset` Returns: Dict[str, int] :ref:`profiling information<Profile results>` """ result = profile_once(paths, variable, chunks, function, mfdataset_args) for n in range(run_count - 1): r = profile_once(paths, variable, chunks, function, mfdataset_args) for k, v in r.items(): if k.startswith("time_") and v < result[k]: result[k] = v return result
[docs]def profile_once( paths: str, variable: str, chunks: Dict[str, int], function, mfdataset_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ): """ Run a single profile instance >>> def func(da): ... return t2m.mean() >>> climtas.profile.profile_once( ... '/g/data/ub4/era5/netcdf/surface/t2m/2019/t2m_era5_global_20190101_*.nc', ... variable='t2m', ... function=func, ... chunks={'time':93, 'latitude': 91, 'longitude': 180}) #doctest: +SKIP {'time_total': 9.561158710159361, 'time_open': 0.014718276914209127, 'time_function': 0.0033595040440559387, 'time_optimize': 0.01087462529540062, 'time_load': 9.529402975924313, 'chunks': {'time': 93, 'latitude': 91, 'longitude': 180}, 'nchunks_in': 512, 'nchunks_out': 1, 'chunksize_in': '6.09 MB', 'chunksize_out': '4 B', 'tasks_in': 513, 'tasks_out': 1098, 'tasks_optimized': 1098} Args: paths: Paths to open (as :func:`xarray.open_mfdataset`) variable: Variable in the dataset to use chunks: Mapping of dimension name to chunk sizes function: Function that takes a :obj:`xarray.DataArray` (the variable) and returns a :obj:`dask.array.Array` to test the performance of run_count: Number of times to run each profile (the minimum time is returned) mfdataset_args: Extra arguments to pass to :func:`xarray.open_mfdataset` Returns: Dict[str, Any] :ref:`profiling information<Profile results>` """ results: Dict[str, Any] = {} total_start = time.perf_counter() open_start = time.perf_counter() with xarray.open_mfdataset(paths, chunks=chunks, **mfdataset_args) as data: open_end = time.perf_counter() var = data[variable] tasks_in = len( chunks_in = chunksize_in = dask.utils.format_bytes( * var.dtype.itemsize ) func_start = time.perf_counter() r = function(var).data func_end = time.perf_counter() tasks = len(r.__dask_graph__()) chunksize = dask.utils.format_bytes( * r.dtype.itemsize) chunks_out = r.npartitions opt_start = time.perf_counter() opt = dask.optimize(r) opt_end = time.perf_counter() tasks_opt = len(r.__dask_graph__()) load_start = time.perf_counter() dask.compute(opt) load_end = time.perf_counter() total_end = time.perf_counter() results["time_total"] = total_end - total_start results["time_open"] = open_end - open_start results["time_function"] = func_end - func_start results["time_optimize"] = opt_end - opt_start results["time_load"] = load_end - load_start results["chunks"] = chunks results["nchunks_in"] = chunks_in results["nchunks_out"] = chunks_out results["chunksize_in"] = chunksize_in results["chunksize_out"] = chunksize results["tasks_in"] = tasks_in results["tasks_out"] = tasks results["tasks_optimized"] = tasks_opt return results
class Timer: def __init__(self, name): self.starts = {} self.stops = {} self.chunks = {} self.client = None = name self.total_start = time.perf_counter() self.excluded = 0 def mark(self, name: str) -> None: if name not in self.starts: self.starts[name] = time.perf_counter() else: self.stops[name] = time.perf_counter() print(name, self.stops[name] - self.starts[name]) def exclude(self, name: str) -> None: self.mark(name) if name in self.stops: self.excluded += self.stops[name] - self.starts[name] def times(self) -> T.Dict[str, float]: return {k: self.stops[k] - v for k, v in self.starts.items()} def record(self, file) -> None: total = time.perf_counter() - self.total_start - self.excluded result = { "name":, "run_date":, "xarray_version": xarray.__version__, "climtas_version": __version__, "client_workers": len(self.client.cluster.workers), "worker_threads": self.client.cluster.workers[0].nthreads, "total": total, } result.update({"chunk_" + k: v for k, v in self.chunks.items()}) result.update(self.times()) result.update(self.pbs_info()) exists = os.path.exists(file) with open(file, "a") as f: writer = csv.DictWriter(f, list(result.keys())) if not exists: writer.writeheader() writer.writerow(result) def pbs_info(self): jobid = os.environ.get("PBS_JOBID", None) if jobid is None: return {"mem_request": None, "mem_used": None, "cpu_pct": None} uqstat = ["/g/data/hh5/public/apps/nci_scripts/uqstat", "--format=json"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, ) uqstat.check_returncode() j = json.loads(uqstat.stdout) job_info = j[jobid] return { "mem_request": job_info["mem_request"], "mem_used": job_info["mem_used"], "cpu_pct": job_info["cpu_pct"], "hostname": os.environ["HOSTNAME"], }